The Stricklandgate House Trust
Stricklandgate House Trust Limited was set up in 1993 to provide accommodation and common services and facilities for voluntary organisations in South Lakeland. The Trust has always striven to ensure that the lettings are priced to cover costs without profit. It has been able to use external charitable donations to provide improvements and additional facilities that basic rents do not cover.
visitors and callers each year
Meeting rooms and Conference Centre
Our Rooms accommodate groups of varied sizes, interests and specialisms, as well as fulfilling requirements for training, seminars, counselling, leisure activities (including concerts), lectures and interviews. Catering is provided by arrangement.
Stricklandgate House Model
An independent evaluation established a national "Stricklandgate House Model", for others seeking to create similar centres for voluntary work in other parts of the UK.
conservation work
The Trust has been able to fulfil its responsibilities towards maintaining Stricklandgate House, a Grade-II Listed Building of age and character, yet has been able to make adaptive improvements with appropriate sensitivity.
In 2009/2010 Extensive exterior and interior conservation work was carried out. This was made possible by the generous support of the following external organisations:
The Heritage Lottery Fund
South Lakeland District Council
The Frieda Scott Charitable Trust
The Hadfield Trust

Board of Directors
as at 1st April 2024:
Margaret Belk & John Leigh (Joint Chair)
Roger Downing (Treasurer)
Sylvia Emmott
David Sykes
Colin Ranshaw
Craig Russell
Robert Best

The Trust is currently seeking external support:
For improvements to fire precautions and building security.
For modernisation of the telephone and computer networks to provide modern and flexible systems for the benefit of our in-house charities.
To replace an old and leaking roof in a historically important part of the building.
For on-going measures to maintain the heritage of Stricklandgate House, including external renovations to exterior treatments, pointing, weatherproofing and window frames, and through an internal exhibition celebrating the historical interest of the building.
How you can help
Stricklandgate House is largely staffed by volunteers. For details of volunteering opportunities, please see our volunteers page, or contact Cumbria CVS.
We rely on charitable donations to improve facilities for our tenant organisations. If you're able to help with a donation, please get in touch.
Stricklandgate House Trust Ltd accounts for 2019-2020 are available for download here.